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2024-01-14Bowl de Cathim XHakkai - SoxaromeChaos Dwarf - Underworld Denizens1 - 1
2024-01-13Bowl de Cathim XTurenne - SoxaromeDwarf - Underworld Denizens1 - 1
2024-01-13Bowl de Cathim Xmoukamerde - SoxaromeDwarf - Underworld Denizens0 - 1
2024-01-13Bowl de Cathim XSoxarome - DadayouUnderworld Denizens - Ogre3 - 0
2022-06-12Lutece bowl XVDarkstorm - SoxaromeOrc - Underworld Denizens1 - 1
2022-06-12Lutece bowl XVSoxarome - juanoloUnderworld Denizens - Chaos Renegade1 - 1
2022-06-11Lutece bowl XVSoxarome - gorbrukUnderworld Denizens - Orc2 - 1
2022-06-11Lutece bowl XVSoxarome - Will_BostonUnderworld Denizens - Human2 - 2
2022-06-11Lutece bowl XVSoxarome - feerikonUnderworld Denizens - Halfling1 - 1